Thursday, August 28, 2008


This past Sunday Night the Student Ministry of Metro East Baptist Church began something very new and exciting. We started a class we are calling Engage. It is a class for students and parents who are part of the MEBC Student Ministry. This first Fall Semester we are discussing having a Biblical Worldview by asking, "How does the gospel help us think about the World around us?" Last week I did an introduction.

When we starting thinking about doing this class, we thought we were doing something really off the wall. We knew we would be working and planning from a philosophy of ministry idea instead of a demand. And so we assumed that this class would be well attended and we would be encouraged if about 8 families attended the first week (20 -25 people) and then ended up with about 4 or 5 families for the remainder of the class. We thought that would be a success.

Like I said, this past Sunday Night was our introduction...we had 105 people there. Now I know that numbers are not everything and should not be the sole gauge of success. But you gotta understand how unprepared we were for such a response. We are simply overwhelmed by God's power and faithfulness and our familys' interest and encouragement.

I think what we are doing is unique. But the idea of ministering to students in the context of their family and being a resource for parents is not new. If you would like to read more on the subject I suggest reThink, which is absolutely the best book on youth ministry out there.

1 comment:

Chuck Thomas said...


Sounds like a fantastic program and the atttendance on the first night must be incredibly encouraging. Hope that the vast majority of those who came the first time will hang in there throughout the fall semester.

The power of your endorsement of reThink cannot be underestimated, as Amazon is already out of stock!