Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tuesday 9-11

Over at the Desiring God Blog there are some articles that will help you think about 9-11 biblically and Christocentrically.

My favorite is this one about Lisa Beamer and her faith in a Sovereign God in the midst of such a tragedy which is still happening for her.

The following videos are not posted so we will "not forget" what happened to "us" on 9-11. I am posting them so we will not forget that there is terrible suffering in this world and these should be a sermon crying out that our sin is heinous. We should not forget that God was sovereign over all the pain, all the hurt, all the death, all the sin. He was sovereignly reigning over every brick, every beam, every terrorist and every piece of dust landing on the heads of those who escaped. It is good for us to imagine and meditate on the horror of that day...the videos of people choosing to jump to thir deaths I will never forget. Why is it good? Those horrors are nothing compared to the horrors of hell, which will be expereinced by those who have not believed the gospel. We should long to see that people are saved from that horror and be thankful we have been.

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